August 6th, 2012

The Pine Township Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Township Municipal Building in Heilwood. Ryan Shultz, Chris Cameron and Keith Muir were present. Ryan Shultz called the meeting to order then led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed all visitors.

There were no Guest Speakers. 

There were no Citizens Comments.

The Board approved the minutes of the July meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes was called for by Mr. Muir, seconded by
Mr. Cameron.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Reports were presented to the Board.  A motion to accept the reports was made by
Mr. Muir, seconded by Mr. Cameron.  Motion carried.

Bills were reviewed.  Mr. Muir moved to pay the bills on the agenda totaling $3,287.56.
General Fund $1,736.99; State Fund $1,550.57.  Mr. Cameron seconded.  Motion carried.

The Roadmaster’s Report was presented to the Board. A motion to accept the report was made by Keith Muir, seconded by
Mr. Cameron.  Motion carried.

There was not any Unfinished Business

Under New Business the Supervisors preformed their annual road inspection and feel the required materials are needed.
Sealed proposals will be received by Pine Township, Indiana County, PO Box 89, Heilwood, PA  15745 until 12:00 Noon Tuesday, September 4th , 2012 for the following Penn Dot approved road materials with documentation:
*   725 tons #8 limestone (more or less) delivered to different work sites within the township.
* 175 Tons of 2 RC with fines (more of less) delivered to the township building.
* 21,750 gallons of CRS-2 (more or less) delivered and applied to road.
Sealed bids will be opened September 4th, 2012 at the regular monthly meeting.  The Township reserves the right to reject all or any proposals.
A motion to advertise was made by Keith Muir, seconded by Chris Cameron. Motion passed with all Supervisors in agreement. 

There were no Announcements.

Mr. Shultz then moved to Adjourn the July Meeting.  Mr. Cameron seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  The August Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:12.

                                                                                   Jennifer Lindahl