The Pine Township Board of Supervisors held their regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Township Municipal Building in Heilwood. Ryan Shultz and Chris Cameron were present. Keith Muir was absent. Ryan Shultz called the meeting to order then led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed all visitors.

There were no Guest Speakers. 

There were no Citizens Comments.

The Board approved the minutes of the February 2014 meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes was called for by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Shultz.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s Reports were presented to the Board.  A motion to accept the reports was called for by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Shultz. Motion carried. 

Bills were reviewed.  Mr. Cameron moved to pay the bills on the agenda totaling $8,828.02
General Fund $2,613.97; State Fund $6,214.05. Mr. Shultz seconded.  Motion carried.

The Roadmaster’s Report was presented to the Board. A motion to accept the report was made by
Mr. Cameron and seconded by Mr. Shultz. Motion carried.

Two orders of Unfinished Business were discussed by the Supervisors. The first was to file a request to DEP for an extension concerning the removal of the Malloy Hollow pipe. Mr. Cameron motioned to request an extension, Mr. Shultz seconded. 
The second order of business was to schedule the annual road inspection.  Mr. Shultz motioned to table the discussion until all the Supervisors were present. Mr. Cameron seconded.  Discussion was tabled.

There were also two orders of New Business. The first order of new business was a motion by Mr. Shultz to start looking for a new or used tractor. Mr. Cameron agreed a tractor would be a good purchase for the township, stating the age and problems the township has had with the current tractor. Mr. Cameron seconded the motion.  Motion passed.  The final order of business was a question as to whether or not Pine Township should pass a noise ordinance, limiting noise after a certain time.  A poll on the township website was even. Mr. Shultz motioned to table any discussion until all Supervisors were present. Mr. Cameron seconded. Discussion was tabled.

There was one Announcement. Mr. Shultz announced Spring Clean UP will be held May 16th, 17th, 18th at the Pine Township Municipal Building 7AM thru 7PM.   

Mr. Cameron then moved to Adjourn the March Meeting.  Mr. Shultz seconded the motion. 
Motion carried.  The March Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

                                                                                   Jennifer Lindahl

Attendees-See attached list.

MARCH 2014