The purpose of the Pine Township Street Addressing Ordinance is to provide orderly assignment of street addresses to every inhabitable structure in Pine Township which does not currently have a valid municipal style street address in order to protect the safety and welfare of the general public by facilitating the location of individual dwellings and businesses by emergency response personnel.
The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to verify, modify or assign new street addresses and to enforce the require¬ments of this ordinance. During the conduct of addressing operations, the Governing Body or its designated representatives shall have the right to enter upon, travel, measure and inspect all roadways and driveways to visit and record information about all inhabitable structures within the municipality for the purposes of determin¬ing, assigning and notifying the inhabitants thereof of such assigned addresses.
Requests for review of assigned addresses may be submitted to the Governing Body. Each review request shall be in writing and addressed to the appropriate authority.
Within 30 days of receipt of written notification, in accordance with this ordinance, by Pine Township or its desig¬nated representatives, of the assignment of, or change of a structure address number, the owner of said structure shall post the assigned structure address number in compliance with the requirements herein.
All address numbers shall be constructed of durable material with a color which shall contrast with the color scheme of the surface on which it is posted. The minimum size for all such posted address numbers shall be three (3) inches in height. In every case, the posted numbers shall be clear and readable from the street or roadway along which the structure is addressed.
The numbers shall be posted upon the structure within three (3) feet of the main entrance thereto unless the structure is more than 75 feet from the roadway or not visible from the roadway. In such cases, the address numbers shall be posted within ten feet of the roadway and within five (5) feet of either side of the driveway to the structure.
Following the posting of the assigned address numbers, as required herein, the owner shall maintain the posted address number at all times in compliance with this ordinance. Posted address numbers, as viewed from the public roadway, shall not be obstructed from view by landscaping, shrubs, vegetation, screen doors, canopies, ornaments or any other plant or structure.
When an owner or resident of any structure in Pine Township receives notification of a new or changed address, that owner or resident shall promptly provide all information requested by completing the questions on the notification; sign the appropri¬ate place on the form to acknowledge receipt of the notification; and return the completed and signed return portion of the notification form to the address listed on the notification form.No building permit will be issued for any new or remodeled building or structure in Pine Township until the owner or developer has been issued a street address.
The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to verify and validity of the addressing system in areas of the municipality which are currently addressed with a 100 block style addressing system and to determine which areas of the municipality will use the 100 block style system. New structures in these areas of Pine Township will be assigned and address which complies with the existing valid system. The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to modify or assign new street addresses in these areas.
The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to determine which areas of Pine Township will use the distance based addressing system. The distance based addressed system is based on a calculated street address which uses:

The measured distance along the roadway from an

intersection to the property to be addressed; and

The orientation of the roadway in relation to the

intersection of US HWY 422 and US HWY 119; and

The side of the roadway on the property is situated.
US HWY 422 and US HWY 119 are considered the BASE LINES for the distance based addressing system. The intersection of US HWY 422 and US HWY 119 is considered the point of origin for these base lines. All assigned addresses on each roadway will start with the lowest assigned numerical address at that end of the roadway which is the closest to the point of origin of the base lines. In the case of dead-end-roads, the numbers will begin at the end of the road which intersects another named roadway.
The numbering of all roads which cross either of the base line roads will begin at the base line and progress upward away from the base line. Such roads will then also be designated with an east, west, north or south prefix. For those which cross more than two base lines, the directional prefix will be based solely upon the north-south base line, US HWY 119.
Individual addresses will be the product of the division of the measured distance along the roadway by the number 5.28 so that every address will reflect the mileage along the roadway. For example, an address of 1600 will be located 1.6 miles along the roadway. Numbers will be assigned with even numbers on the right side of the roadway, odd numbers on the left side of the roadway, as one would stand with their back toward the beginning point. All inhabitable structures will be addressed. Structures which are obviously facing a named road will be addressed with respect to that roadway. Addresses will be assigned based upon the measured distance to the front door of that structure. Building which are more than 75 feet from the roadway will be addressed based upon the measured distance to the center of the driveway to the structure.
No letter characters will be used in assigning new addresses except in the case of individual units situated within a multi-family structure. In such cases, the entire multi-family structure shall have an individual numeric address assigned in accordance with this ordinance.
The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to name all roadways within its boundaries. Road names currently on file with the Governing Body are hereby declared the official names of these roads, unless changed by action of the Governing Body. The Governing Body shall have the sole authority to determine the need for road name changes.
Private roadways are roadways not maintained by Pine Township or the State and which have two or more inhabitable structures located on it. The Governing Body shall have the authority to assign a temporary name to unnamed private roads. Property owners wishing to have a permanent name assigned to a private road may submit a written request to the Governing Body for review and approval.
ENACTED AND ORDAINED this 1st day of May, 1995.
Lynn Smith, Chairman
Patrick D. Parfitt
Sam Mariskanish