BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED, and it is hereby ordained and enacted, by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Pine, as follows:
Section I. Title.
This ordinance shall be known as "The Pine Township Sewer Ordinance".
Section II. Adoption of Sewer System Rules and Regulations by Reference.
(a) The Township hereby designates the Indiana County Municipal Services Authority (the "Authority") as its agent for the purposes of this Ordinance. Further, the officers and employees as designated by the Authority shall have full powers to make all inspections, issue sewer connection and lateral pipe installation permits and do all other official actions required under the rules and regulations as adopted.
(b) The Township hereby adopts by reference various rules and regulations formulated by the Authority which regulate the discharge of sanitary sewage to the Authority's public sanitary sewerage system within the Township; exclude storm water runoff from entering the said public sanitary sewerage system within the Township; declare unacceptable certain types of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes; provide for general rules concerning sewage collection and for surcharges for certain types of wastes; provide for general rules concerning billing and collection of treatment charges, sewage collection, transportation and surcharges within the Township; regulate connections into the said public sanitary sewerage system; regulate proposed extension of the public sewerage system by private developers; and provide general rules concerning delinquencies, violations and remedies.
Section III. Required Connections.
The owner of every property located within the Township which abuts on any existing
or future public sanitary sewer system shall at his own cost connect any building or other
structure on such property producing sanitary waste to the public sanitary sewer system provided
that the said sanitary sewer system is available for the purpose of disposing of all acceptable
sewage emanating from such property within one hundred and fifty feet (150')(horizontal straight
line measurement) of any part of the building or structure, including appurtenances thereto.
It shall be the duty of the Authority to notify the owner of any structure required to
connect to the said public sanitary sewer system to disconnect and abandon any other sewage
disposal system, and to make a proper connection for the discharge and disposal of all sanitary
sewage into the public sanitary sewer system. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered
either by personal service, or by certified or registered mail. Such owner shall be required to
complete a proper connection to the public sanitary sewer system and to pay all fees and other
charges within ninety (90) days of such notice.
Any owner who cannot comply with the provisions of (b) of this Section for reasons
beyond his control, shall apply to the Authority within said ninety (90) day period for a time
extension of up to six (6) additional months. The application shall be made on a form to be
furnished by the Authority and shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant to
commence paying the regular monthly sewer rates (less a cost treatment component),
immediately even though actual connection to the public sanitary sewer will not be accomplished until some later date within the six (6) month extension period.
Section IV. Abandonment and Prohibition of Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Privy Vaults. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any property in the Township required to be connected to the public sanitary sewer system to employ any means, either by septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, mine hole or other depository, for the disposal of sanitary sewage other than into and through said public sanitary sewer system. No septic tank, cesspool, privy vault, mine hole or other depository shall at any time be connected with the aforesaid public sanitary sewer system. Such existing depositories at the time for connection of the property to the public sanitary sewer system, shall be disconnected and properly abandoned.
Section V. Prohibition Against Infiltration.
It shall be unlawful for any person to connect, or permit the entry or infiltration into the public sanitary sewer system of any roof drain water, storm water, foundation drain water, spring water, surface water, or any other source of water or any sewage or industrial waste from any property other than that which complies with the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations.
Section VI. Failure to Connect.
If the owner of any property required to be connected to the public sanitary sewage system shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance or the written notice as prescribed, the Authority may institute any available civil or criminal action against the property owner which the Authority deems necessary to effectuate this Ordinance. Additionally, the Authority may perform or cause to be performed such work and labor and furnish or cause to be furnished such material as may be necessary to connect such property to the public sanitary sewage system at the cost and expense of such owner, together with ten (10%) percent thereof additional as administrative expenses of the Authority and all other charges and expenses incidental thereto and the tap-in fee and any service fees due, which sum shall be collected from the property owner for the use of the Authority as debts are by law collectible, and it may file a
municipal claim or lien against the premises as provided by law.
Section VII. Right to Inspect.
The Authority and the Township, or their respective agents, employees, representatives shall be permitted to enter upon any property at reasonable times and hours for the purpose of inspection, observation, sampling, testing and retesting building drains, sewers, connections and all other matters pertaining to the disposal of sanitary sewage and industrial wastes to insure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Section VIII. Maintenance and Repair.
The Authority shall have responsibility for the operation, maintenance and repair of the public sanitary sewer system outside the property lines of properties required to be connected to such system. Within the property lines of properties required to be connected to the public sanitary sewer system, all connections and sewers shall be maintained and repaired by the property owner at the property owner's cost. All repairs shall be subject to the direction, approval and inspection of the Authority. The details of maintenance and repair within the property lines of property required to be connected to the public sanitary sewer system shall be as set forth in the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations.
Section IX. Conditions and Procedures for Service.
No unauthorized person shall make or cause to be made any connection with or opening in to use, alter or disturb the public sanitary sewer system without first obtaining a sewer construction permit from the Authority, and all persons shall adhere to the following rules:
He/she shall make application to the Authority for a permit upon a form to be
furnished by the Authority. The charge for the permit shall be set by the Authority to cover the
inspection cost and shall be collected at that time.
No work shall commence before the issuance of a permit.
Upon the issuance of a permit, the applicant shall pay the required connection charge
and estimated inspection expenses.
The applicant shall give the Authority's sewer inspector at least forty-eight (48) hours
notice of time when connection will be made. The sewer inspector shall be present to inspect and approve the work of connection. The inspector shall signify his approval of the connection of the permit.
At the time of inspection of the connection, the property owner shall permit the
inspector full and complete access to all sanitary and drainage arrangements and facilities in each
building and in and about all parts of the property. No connection shall be covered over, or in
any manner concealed until after it is inspected and approved by the inspector.
All inspections shall be made and scheduled by the inspector during regular business
hours of the Authority.
Connections and building drains may be hydrostatically, pneumatically, or smoke-
tested for leakage at the discretion of, and in the manner as specified in the Authority's Sewer
System Rules and Regulations.
Section X. Unlawful Use of Sewer.
No storm water, surface water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water or
unpolluted industrial process waters may be deposited in the public sanitary sewer system.
No cross connection shall be made between the public sanitary sewage system and the
potable water system whereby vacuums or back siphonage could permit sanitary wastes to enter
the potable water system. No cross connections shall be made between public sanitary sewage
system and storm sewers.
No person shall connect, cause or permit to be connected with the public sanitary
sewer system directly or indirectly, any stream exhaust, boiler, blow-off, sediment, drip or any
pipe carrying or constructed to carry hot water, acid, germicide, grease, gasoline, naphtha,
benzene, oil or any other substance detrimental to the public sanitary system.
Section XI. Prohibited Wastes.
No person shall discharge, cause to be discharged or permit the discharge of any of the following described waters or wastes to the public sanitary sewer system:
Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid
or gas.
Any waters containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient
quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, which injure or interfere with any
waste treatment process that constitutes a hazard to humans or animals that creates a public
nuisance or that creates any hazard in the receiving waters of any wastewater treatment plant.
Any waters or wastes having a ph lower that 5.5, or higher than 9.5, or having any
other corrosive property capable or causing damage or hazard to structures, pipes, equipment and
personnel or the wastewater works.
Solid or viscous substance in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction
to the flow in sewers or other interference with proper operation of the wastewater facilities such
as, but not limited to, ashes, bones, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags,
feathers, tar, plastics, wood, garbage, whole blood, paunch, manure, hair and fleshings, entrails
and paper, plastic or foam dishes, cups, mild containers, etc., either whole or ground by garbage
Any other materials, waters or waste shall be limited in discharges to the system in
concentrations or quantities which will not harm either the sewers, wastewater treatment process
or equipment, will not have an adverse effect on the receiving stream, or will not cause the
effluent from the wastewater treatment works to be in violation of the requirements of state,
federal or any other agency having jurisdiction.
The provisions of the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations shall apply to this section.
The Authority may require materials testing at the expense of the property owner prior to connection and may refuse connected to the public sanitary sewer system, or to compel discontinuance of discharge or the use of such deleterious materials, or to require pretreatment of such wastes in order to prevent harmful or adverse effect upon the public sewer system. The design, construction and operation of such pretreatment facilities shall be subject to the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations.
Section XII. Connection Charge.
All property owners covered by this Ordinance shall be subject to such connection fees and due dates as may be established from time to time in the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations.
Section XIII. Separate Connection for Each Principal Building: Exception.
A separate sewer connection shall be provided for every principal building, except as is otherwise authorized by the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations.
Section XIV. Connection Approval Required.
All connections to the public sanitary sewer system, materials therefore, jointing materials and methods used shall at all times be subject to the direction, supervision and approval of the Authority.
Section XV. Safety Requirements.
All excavations for sewer connections shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights to protest the public from hazards. All roadways, sidewalks and public property or public rights of way disturbed in the course of making a sewer connection shall be restored in a manner as provided in the Authority's or Township's Rules and Regulations, as the case may be.
Section XVI. Sewer Fees.
All property owners covered by this Ordinance shall be subject to the monthly sewer fees in the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations as the same may from time to time by established.
Section XVII. Violations and Penalties.
Any persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before any District Justice, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each and every offense and costs, and in default of payment of said fine and costs, to be imprisoned in the Indiana County Jail for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days
until such fine and costs are paid. Whenever such person shall have been notified in writing by the Authority that such person is violating this section, each day that he shall continue such violation after receipt of such notification shall constitute a separate offense, punishable by a like fine hereunder upon conviction hereof.
All persons violating any portion of the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations shall be in violation of this Ordinance. Notice of such violation shall be sent through the U.S. mails and if, after thirty (30) days of elapsed time, no action on the violation is taken, the sewer connections may be removed or closed and reconnection will not be made until after a correction of the violation and satisfaction of all costs incident thereto have been paid. The expense of such removal or closing and the expense of restoring the sewer service shall be a property owner debt due the Authority, a lien upon the property of the owner and may be recovered by civil action in the name of the Authority.
Section XVIII. Provisions Applicable to Public Water Supplies.
In the event that any owner whose property is required to be connected to the public sanitary sewer system shall fail to pay any sewage charges or other charges as provided in the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations and the property to which public sanitary sewage disposal is provided is served by a public water system, the Authority, in addition to all other remedies provided in this Ordinance or at law may make or cause to be made modifications to the public water system of such property so that all water used which passes through the sanitary sewer system shall be metered and water service shall be disconnected if sewage bills are not paid or this Ordinance is otherwise violated by the property owner or occupant of the property.
Section XIX. Provisions Applicable to Non-Public Water Supplies.
In the case of a property which is required to be connected to the public sewer system and which is not served by a public water system, modifications to the water supply system shall be made in accordance with the Authority's Regulations so that all water use shall be metered and water use shall be metered and water service may be disconnected if sewage charges or other charges as provided in the Authority's Sewer System Rules and Regulations are not paid or this
Ordinance is otherwise violated by the property owner or occupant.
Section XX. Repealer.
All prior ordinances or resolutions or parts thereof pertaining to the Green Township inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and replaced by this Ordinance.
ORDAINED AND ENACTED into law by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Pine, Indiana County, in lawful session assembled on this 2nd day of January, 2001, effective upon adoption.
James R. Shirley
Charles Marcenzo
Richard Davis
Jennifer Lindahl Secretary