Pine Township Veteran Banners
Banners to honor past and present members of the Armed Forces can be purchased at:
ACS Sales & Service LLC
2402 Bigler Ave, Northern Cambria, PA 15714
814-948-8899 or 814-948-7871
Paul Miller email:
Banner kit includes:
Banner -24” x 48” colored, double sided. Each banner will last 3 to 5 years.
Single bracket for pole
Cost per banner kit: $150 + tax
You will need a photo of your veteran along with the following information to place your order at
Veteran’s name: ______________________________________________
Branch of Service: ____________________________________________
Era: _______________________________________________________
Global War on Terror (Sept 22, 2001-Present)

Persian Gulf War (Aug 22, 1990-August 31, 1991)

Cold War (Sept 2, 1945-Dec 26, 1991)

Vietnam Conflict (Feb 28, 1962-Nov 7, 1975)

Korean War (June 27,1950-Jan 31, 1955)

WWII (Dec 7, 1941-Dec 31, 1946)

WWI (Apr 6, 1917-Nov 11, 1918)

Spanish American War (Apr 1898-Aug 1898)

Civil War (1861-1865)
Township Area: _______________________________________________
The township will supply and install posts to display the banners throughout the township. When you receive your banner, contact the township @ 814-948-4480 to request a post. Banners will be displayed for Memorial Day and taken down after Veterans Day.